How CMOs Can Introduce AI Marketing Tools to Their Team

You might be wondering how artificial intelligence is changing the marketing landscape, and more specifically, how it can help your team. AI marketing tools are revolutionizing the way we approach and execute our marketing campaigns.

You might be wondering, what exactly are artificial intelligence marketing tools? Simply put, they are tools that help automate marketing tasks. This could be anything from simple tasks like automatically sorting and organizing customer data, to complex ones like recommending content to post on social media.

The great thing about AI marketing tools is that they can help your team work more efficiently. Imagine if you could automate all the tasks that are currently taking up your team’s time. That is where artificial intelligence-powered marketing tools come in.

They can help you take care of the mundane tasks so that your team can focus on more important things, like strategy and creativity.

But before you can reap the benefits of artificial intelligence, you need to introduce these tools to your team. This can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and communication, you can make the switch to artificial intelligence with little to no disruption. In this article, we will outline a few steps for introducing AI marketing tools to your team and explain why it is so important for chief marketing officers to make the switch.

Why CMOs Will Benefit

You may be wondering how artificial intelligence-powered marketing tools can help you and your team. Let us take a look at some of the key benefits:

First, artificial intelligence marketing tools help save time and money. From the planning stage until the implementation of a marketing campaign, a lot of tasks are involved. AI’s ability to automate cuts down the time it takes for these tasks to be completed, helping teams launch faster. 

With the power of automation, there is no need to hire additional human employees to do these various tasks and meet the deadline. 

Marketing campaigns also involve running various tests for paid ads and this costs money. With AI, CMOs and their teams can take advantage of advanced analytics and reporting to know which strategies will perform and convert better, helping them minimize losses and maximize their budget. 

Second, AI helps improve marketing campaigns and results. With AI’s advanced analytics and reporting, it is able to provide valuable and actionable insights on how to improve marketing campaigns and get better results. 

Third, artificial intelligence marketing tools are predictive, which means they can help plan for the future. Artificial intelligence can spot patterns and trends which is convenient in avoiding the same mistakes and taking advantage of marketing opportunities. 

Lastly, AI-powered tools are scalable, so they can grow with your business. Good thing about artificial intelligence is that there is no ceiling on the number of tasks it can automate. As your business grows, the demand increases and AI can meet all of those demands without sacrificing the quality of work it produces. 

One good example of this is Copysmith’s bulk content generator. With the help of an artificial intelligence-powered writing tool, marketing teams can produce content at a scale. 

First, simply select the category that you need help from ecommerce to blog posts, Copysmith got you covered. Under each category, there are numerous templates you can choose from. For this one, let’s go with the product description template under the ecommerce category. 

Second, simply provide the basic information about your project. 

Third, tweak the settings according to your needs – you can choose the variation, content length and number of versions of the copy you want the AI to generate. But the most impressive among Copysmith’s feature is its in-file translation – simply select the input language and the  

Whether you need 10 or 100 product descriptions, its AI got you covered – it will generate a high-quality copy in an instant. 

Gain A Better Understanding of Its Impact

The term AI is getting thrown a lot lately – well, it is not a surprise since this technology is quickly changing the way businesses operate. In the marketing industry, AI is being used to create targeted ads, personalized content, and even predictive analytics. In other words, businesses are using artificial intelligence to deliver better customer experience. 

AI is changing the marketing industry by making it more data-driven. In the past, marketing was more about creativity and intuition – those are still important factors but with artificial intelligence, businesses can now rely on data to make better decisions on where to allocate their resources. This data-driven approach can help businesses save money and time, while also increasing their ROI. 

Artificial intelligence is also changing the way consumers interact with brands. With AI-powered chatbots, consumers can now get answers to their questions in real-time. With the advancement of AI, we can expect even more personalized experiences for consumers.

How are AI tools changing the marketing industry?

AI tools are changing the marketing industry by helping marketers become more efficient and effective.

For example, artificial intelligence tools can help you identify your target audience, figure out where they hang out online, and what they are talking about. This information is essential for creating targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience. 

AI-powered tools can help you create content that is more relevant and engaging, and track the performance of your marketing campaigns so you can optimize them for better results. 

What’s more, AI tools can help you optimize your website to increase traffic and improve your customer experience. You can also take advantage of AI to create better content. 

In a nutshell, artificial intelligence-powered tools are helping marketers from social media marketing, search engine optimization and even content creation to achieve better results.  

Foster an Environment Around Education

So, you have decided that it is time to introduce AI marketing tools to your team. Congratulations! This is a big decision, and it is one that is going to make a big impact on your business. But how do you go about introducing these tools to your team?

Well, the first step is to make sure that everyone is on board. This means getting buy-in from your team members. 

AI sounds intimidating enough especially to people unfamiliar with it. Getting a ‘yes’ vote from your team members will take time and effort. If they have objections, address it. Make sure that they understand the benefits of using AI marketing tools – present case studies, highlight its positive impact on how it helps the business operation and how it can make their jobs easier as well. 

Once you have their support, it is time to start integrating these tools into your workflow and this is where the challenge lies for you as a head of the marketing team – how do you make it easy for your team members to adopt AI-powered tools? Well, the key is to foster an environment around education. 

First, gather the people who are willing to use it. Let them try and experiment with the AI marketing tool. Send them invites to live events, trainings and webinars so that they will have an in-depth knowledge on how to use the product to its full potential. Encourage them to join the tool’s user community so they can use the knowledge and experience of other users to their advantage. 

By doing so, these people will not only provide support and guidance to the other team members on how to use the artificial intelligence tool but ultimately, they become the tech evangelists of the product, spreading good words about it. This is a subtle way of selling the artificial intelligence tool to the rest of your team members since you will be able to relate more to their fellow employees than to the head of the office. 

Second, set up tasks where the AI-powered tool will be used. Now that you have team members who are proficient in the product, it is time to ensure that the artificial intelligence tool is being used. 

In projects, it is best that at least one person who is trained on how to use the product is a part of it. This way, those who are reluctant to use it will see its value firsthand and those who are still learning can get their questions answered. 

Third, present to your members the data on how artificial intelligence was able to make a difference. Once the project has wrapped up, present the data on how the AI tool was able to bring efficiency and effectiveness. Why? Because data is an effective way to change people’s opinion and persuade them.

For example, if you have used an AI copywriting tool like Copysmith to write social media ads. Show how you were able to save time and launch faster compared to not using one. Also, share to your team members how well the ad performed. 

Translating Insights into Action

You might be wondering how AI marketing tools can help you turn insights into action. After all, you’re probably already generating a lot of data from your customers. 

Well, first you need to identify which insights are most important to your business. Then you need to use AI marketing tools to analyze that data to find patterns and trends that you might not have otherwise noticed. 

Once you have those trends, it is time to put them into action. You can do this by adapting your marketing strategy or by creating new campaigns that are based on those trends. 

How one brand used AI marketing to increase sales

AI-powered marketing tools take all of your customers’ insights and turn them into actionable items that you can use to improve your marketing strategy. One brand that used artificial intelligence marketing to great effect was Nike.

Nike used AI marketing to create individualized customer experiences. They were able to do this by tracking the behavior of their customers and then using that data to create targeted ads and content. The results were impressive – Nike’s initiative to use AI in marketing contributed to the company’s $44.5 billion revenue in 2021. 

Start Small, Then Go from There 

To effectively integrate AI into your team’s system, start small – why? Learning how to use a new tool is a trial-and-error process. If you start with a small experiment, you will slowly learn what works and what does not – if it’s the latter, do not worry since it will be a harmless error. In other words, the risks you are taking as you experiment are not fatal. 

Starting small takes less time which means you will be able to launch faster. From this, you can quickly gather feedback which gives you enough room to pivot. If the result you are getting from using the AI tool does not align to what you have planned, you can easily change your course of action. In short, starting small lowers the stake and removes the pressure. 

Starting small is the key so your team members gain confidence in using artificial intelligence-powered tools for your marketing campaigns. From there, you can pursue bigger AI-driven projects. 

Encourage Mutual Learning Between Humans and Machines

To successfully integrate AI tools into your marketing initiatives, humans and machines do not only work together but they learn from one another. What does this mean? 

Simply put, AI is smart enough to learn the customer patterns and trends on its own. AI-powered tools do not take a break from it, they are constantly collecting and analyzing data to provide insights. Encourage your humans to do the same – to continuously keep an eye on these insights so they can come up with a better marketing plan. This is the way so your team can get the most out of these AI tools and gain a significant advantage against your competition. 


AI tools are changing the way marketing is done. They are making it easier for marketers to target their customers and understand their needs. With the power of data, marketers are now making informed decisions which helps the company grow at a faster rate. 

As a chief marketing officer, it is up to you to introduce AI marketing tools to your team and help them get the most out of them. With the right tools and training, your team can use AI to improve their marketing strategy, save time, and produce better results. Copysmith is an AI-powered tool that is used by 10,000+ marketing teams because of how it cuts down the time in creating content and copy, helping teams launch their products, blogs and ads faster. If you want to see the advantage Copysmith brings to teams, simply schedule for a demo.