December product updates: 6 new templates

Happy holidays, all!

Due to holidays, December was a shorter month. However, we added many templates:

  • Blog posts – tutorial here
  • Landing pages – tutorial here
  • Brand essence – explainer here, tutorial coming soon
  • Ad headlines – tutorial coming soon
  • Ad ideas – tutorial coming soon
  • Pain benefit solution – tutorial coming soon

We’re aiming to add a new template a week until we have coverage for all the use cases that our customers need; please submit a feature request here and we’ll add it to our roadmap. We have two new templates that we’re aiming to release before Jan 1 that we will add to this update if we finish them.

This month, we focused on new templates. Next month, we’re focusing on improving quality, campaign management, and integrations, as well as rolling out blog posts more widely. We’re adding a new engineer to the team in January, so we’re very excited to increase our development velocity in making Copysmith even more useful for you.

If you’re interested in working with us to improve the copy quality, please reach out to [email protected].

Happy copysmithing, and as always, if you have feedback for our team, please reach out!

Read our November product update here.

For a limited time, we have a no-credit card required free trial. Try out Copysmith today, and let us know what you think.