What Is a Brand Essence, and Why Do You Need One?
We just added a brand essence generator. Once our tutorial is released on this template, it will be linked here. But first, let us walk you through what it is and why you need one!
The essence of your brand is the quality that it exudes at every single touchpoint. By reinforcing memory structures, repeatedly, through consistent messaging, your brand can achieve salience in a crowded marketplace.
It is not a vision or a mission statement.
It is not the tagline.
It is not the logo.
It is the way the product feels in your hand and the way the secretary answers the phone. It is what the colors on the packaging remind you of and it dictates what you expect from your suppliers. It’s a measuring stick and a true north for any established business.
The brand essence of Airbnb is “Belonging.” The brand essence of Coca-Cola is “Happiness.” It doesn’t have to be just one word. For example, Facebook’s brand essence is, “The social infrastructure for community.” Remember, this is not something that your customers will probably ever read, it’s an internal phrase or quality that resonates throughout your business that helps and informs your process, whether you’re populating your content calendar, briefing influencers or choosing your next product to launch.
If you’re just starting out, a brand essence might not be something you need right away—the best thing to do is to experiment and find out who you are. But remember, that idea of who you are, that essence, is constituted congruently by who you are as a company and your customers’ needs.
You have to be able to deliver on it and more importantly, believe in it.
Thanks to Copysmith, you can generate your own brand essence quickly and easily, without spending thousands of dollars on a strategist—and if you are a strategist, you can use our brand essence generator to help you explore more creative territories faster, and come up with the perfect brand essence for your clients.
The best way to come up with a good idea is to come up with a lot of ideas and that’s where we excel. We can give you more options faster than any human writer and when you combine that with your insight and creativity, you unlock the infinite potential behind your brand.
That’s the power of artificial intelligence and human creativity.
Try it out for yourself.
Happy copysmithing!