AI Copy Generator for eCommerce: Work Smarter, Not Harder

You’ve spent months working on your website. It’s a unique business, with a niche market and huge growth potential. Now you need to make sure it stays up-to-date and relevant for the customers who want to buy your products. You could hire someone else or even outsource the work, but that takes money and resources away from your own core business. Instead of hiring outside help, why not try using an AI content generator?

What is Artificial Intelligence Copywriting?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent machines. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including writing. The idea behind AI copywriting is to use computer programs to generate text that sounds like it came from a human writer.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that can help you write better content for your e-commerce store. AI E-commerce copywriting tools are a type of software that uses machine learning, natural language processing, and other techniques to automatically generate unique and compelling copy from existing data.

This means that if you give it information about your products and customers, it will create new copy based on what it learns from this data. The generated copy usually can not be distinguished from human-written content. In the past, computer-generated text sounded robot-like and didn’t make any sense. With the rise of powerful machine learning capabilities for language processing, writers can become more productive.

The Benefits of Using AI for Copywriting

There are many benefits of using AI for copywriting, including:

– You can keep external costs down by creating marketing content internally rather than hiring an agency.

– You can save time and money because the content is generated in minutes, not hours.

– Over time you’ll see massive increases in conversions, especially when utilizing AI to create A/B tests.

Copywriting tools to improve your content

When it comes to AI copywriting tools, there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a first-timer or a pro, you’ll find the right tool for your needs.

There’s no doubt that AI copywriting is the future of marketing. It can help you produce better content faster and more efficiently, which means you can spend more time on other parts of your business. This is why we’ve put together this list of the best AI copywriting tools for you to use in 2022.

AI Copywriting Tools


Copysmith is an AI copywriting tool that helps large enterprise teams and e-commerce stores create, launch and distribute high quality content at scale. With limited inputs, Copysmith can generate SEO optimized website content, product descriptions, meta tags, compelling ad copy, and more, as well as social media, brainstorming, blog, and email templates.

A free trial is available if you want to first experience the capabilities of this AI copywriting tool before committing to the paid plans. No credit card required.


Jasper is an easy-to-use tool that helps you create content that’s as engaging as it is informative. The tool works with any type of text—from emails to blog posts and more—and creates unique content in seconds.

This AI-powered platform can automatically write content based on your specific requirements, so all you have to do is fill in the blanks with whatever information you want to put into your piece. It also has the ability to perform more advanced tasks such as creating lists and creating step-by-step instructions, which makes it perfect for things like sales copywriting or technical documents where clarity is crucial!

Smart Copy By Unbounce

Smart Copy by Unbounce is a tool for generating personalized content. It’s used for lead generation, sales, and marketing purposes.

Smart Copy uses AI to create personalized content which you can use with other tools like HubSpot, MailChimp, or Segment to improve your email marketing strategy.


Writesonic is a content automation tool that helps you write better, faster, and more efficiently. Writesonic uses AI to generate unique and engaging content for your business.

Writesonic works with any type of web page, including blogs, landing pages, or e-commerce stores.


Anyword is a tool that can be used to generate high-quality, human-sounding copy. It’s particularly useful for sales copy, but it can also be used for writing blog posts and landing pages as well.

Other Tools to Further Improve Your Writing

While E-commerce copy generator tools are great they are not always perfect. For this reason, you might need to use other tools to further improve your content. Luckily some AI writing tools often offer these other tools as part of the subscription plan. 


Grammarly is a great tool for catching grammar, sentence structure, and spelling mistakes. The tool will also help you improve your tone making it sound more professional. It also has plagiarism detection functionality but in our opinion, it is not very accurate. When you use an AI writing tool like Jasper or Copysmith you will find little to no errors in grammar, sentence structure, or spelling.


Copyscape is by far the world leader in plagiarism detection. This tool will help you make sure that your content is unique so you can avoid Google ranking penalties. Copysmith AI’s writing tool content generally passes Copyscape. You will also get plagiarism checks as part of the plans offered by Copysmith. This means you don’t have to incur the costs separately and you actually save money.

How To Write Engaging Product Content Using AI

Writing engaging and memorable product content is an essential part of the e-commerce experience. AI copywriting tools can help you create these types of content at scale, which is great news for both your online store and its customers.

The first step in writing engaging product content using AI is to choose an E-commerce AI copywriter that will do it for you.

Take A Look At All The Products On Your Website

You’ll want to look at the product descriptions for all of your products, particularly if they are selling something that is new and different from what you already offer. It’s also useful to look at any products or services that may be similar but not quite as well-known as some of your other offerings.

While looking through these pages, pay attention to patterns in how people describe them (and why). Look for what words or phrases are used most often—and which ones aren’t being used at all. For example: If it were up to me, I’d rather describe my product as having “extraordinary” features than just saying “it has great quality” or “it’s perfect.”

Evaluate the quality of your product descriptions based on four factors: Meaning, length, uniqueness, and SEO.

A good product description should answer these questions:

What problem does this solve? How does it solve that problem? How much does it cost to own/use this solution (including all related costs)? Is there a free version available as well? If so, how do I get it and what is included in my purchase price if I want to purchase a certain plan..etc…

Identify which of your product descriptions need the most work

To identify which of your product descriptions need the most work, you should first look at your website analytics. This will tell you how many people are visiting your site and how long they stay on it, as well as what keywords they’re using when looking for information about products like yours.

Next, take a look at your customer reviews—if there aren’t any yet (or if any are negative), this is an opportunity for improvement! Try posting positive customer experiences on social media or in other online forums; also consider partnering with influencers who have similar audiences as yourself in order to get more word-of-mouth marketing going on board.

Finally, sales data can show where customers are finding value in what you offer: if only 25% of buyers buy after reading the first paragraph of the description but another 40% do so after reading something further down the page then these two areas may need some additional attention.”

Use AI To Write Better Product Descriptions

The next step is giving your AI copywriting tool the information you have gathered in the previous steps. The tool will then automatically generate high-quality descriptions for your product.

  • AI can help you write more unique product descriptions.
  • AI can help you write more SEO-friendly product descriptions.
  • AI can help you write more compelling website content and ad copy.

Your customers will find it easier to trust and buy from you if you have high-quality product descriptions.

See an example of Copysmith’s powerful Product Description Generator in action below:

Product Description

Product Descriptions are Important for SEO

They help customers understand what your product is and how it works, which can help them decide whether to buy your product or not. Your product description should also inspire confidence in the brand and its quality so that customers will trust you more when they see it on their phones or computer screens.

You should write engaging content because this helps people find out more about what you have to offer, which will encourage them to click through to read more about it. If there aren’t enough reviews or testimonials posted online (or if these are hard-to-read), then people won’t bother doing so at all – especially if they’re looking for something specific; such as a new pair of shoes!

E-commerce SEO

SEO is a long-term strategy. It’s not something you should just try once and then forget about it. You need to create product content that people want to read and share, as well as build links from other sites. 

How AI Copywriting Can Improve E-Commerce SEO

Search Engine Optimization for e-commerce is always a hot topic because it’s one of the most important factors for driving traffic to an online store. In recent years, there have been major advancements in AI and machine learning that have drastically changed the landscape of SEO. One area that has seen great advances is copywriting.

Here’s what our SEO metatag generator looks like in action:

E-Commerce SEO

AI copywriting for E-commerce SEO gives you an edge in one of the most important factors for driving traffic to an online store.

AI copywriting can improve e-commerce SEO in a number of ways. For example, AI can help optimize product descriptions for better search engine visibility, or generate targeted content to attract potential customers. Additionally, AI can assist with keyword research and backlink analysis to further improve an e-commerce website’s ranking on SERPs. Ultimately, by making use of various AI-powered tools, e-commerce businesses can expect to see a boost in traffic and conversions.

There is no doubt that SEO has changed considerably in recent years, with new algorithm updates from Google and other changes in the way that people search for information online. However, one of the biggest game-changers in SEO has been the rise of AI copywriting. With AI copywriting, businesses can create content that is not only well-optimized for search engines but also highly engaging and readable for humans. This is because AI copywriters are able to analyze a huge amount of data about customer behavior and preferences before creating content that targets those needs.

In recent years, copywriting has seen great advances thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). AI-powered tools can help improve e-commerce SEO by generating product descriptions, title tags, and other important content. By using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, AI copywriting tools can create more accurate and persuasive content than humans. In addition to improving e-commerce SEO, AI copywriting can also help businesses save time and money.

Copysmith Review

Copysmith is an AI copywriting tool that helps you write more engaging, professional-looking product descriptions, email subject lines, SEO meta tags, and much more.

E-commerce businesses that have been using Copysmith as an AI copy generator for E-commerce for a while now can’t imagine going back to writing without it.

Here’s why: 

It will help you write better, more coherent email copy. It’ll help you create more compelling sales copy and product descriptions. And it’ll even help you with your Instagram captions!

It’s so easy to use that you don’t need any special training or experience to get started—you just type in the content you want to write, choose a few options from the menu, and click  “generate” In seconds, your new piece of text is ready for use! You’re even able to make small changes as necessary if something isn’t working out perfectly in the first draft.


You can pick one of three different plans: Starter, Professional, and Enterprise. Each includes content generation with Copysmith AI writer and can be purchased monthly or annually. You will get better value for money if you purchase an annual subscription. There’s also a seven-day free trial if you want to try it before you buy.

The starter plan gives you everything you need to write better copy for your online store. It costs $19 per month or $192 per year and comes with integrations, 50 credits per month, and  20 plagiarism checks. In contrast, the Professional plan gives you a lot more. It costs $59 per month or $600 per year and includes 400 credits and 100 plagiarism checks per month 

With the Enterprise plan, you unlock access to bulk import & Export, custom templates, unlimited credits, a dedicated account manager and unlimited plagiarism checks. If you’re interested in this plan, you will need to contact the Copysmith team for more information.


Copysmith is constantly refining and adding new features. They support blog generation templates, brainstorming templates, branding templates, and ad templates. You can create content for Google, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, and more. As an e-commerce store, you will greatly benefit from product descriptions, compelling headlines, landing page templates, and more.

You don’t need to have any copywriting experience to use this tool. Everything is straightforward, All you have to do is add the keywords and the description of your product or service. Copysmith will take care of the rest and provide high-quality copy that you can use on your website.

Copysmith AI marketing copy is generally accurate but in instances where there are issues, you can always fix that by making careful revisions to the keywords and descriptions you provide.

To easily access Copysmith writing features you can use the web portal or the AI copywriting tool’s Google Chrome extension. After you download and install it from the Chrome Web Store you will be able to access the copywriting tools conveniently from any device or web page. 

Interface And Ease of Use

Copysmith is generally very easy to use. The tool’s interface is very intuitive and uncluttered making it very easy to navigate. On the left-hand side of the dashboard, you will find news updates and tutorials. On the right, you can create folders for organization and at the center, you can select templates and access your files.


Copysmith makes it very easy to access customer support. You can reach the support team through email at [email protected] to get help. Blogs, FAQs, and tutorials can also provide a lot of assistance.

Copysmith Pros

1. It’s very intuitive, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time learning how to use it.

2. You will get high-quality copy in a matter of seconds, and with our bulk content and bulk product description features, you’ll be able to scale your content in a matter of minutes

3. Built-in Integrations with a variety of marketing and project management tools. These include Google docs, Zapier, Google ads, Hootsuite, and WooCommerce. With the Copysmith API, you can integrate Copysmith with your internal systems and software.

4. Affordable pricing.

5. Collaboration is easy because Copysmith is an AI writing tool that is built for teams.


1. The generated copy sometimes needs minor tweaking. However, this is generally the case for all AI copywriting tools.

In recent months, Copysmith has greatly improved the quality of the long form content builder template. You can now use Copysmith to write high quality blog posts to promote your online store.

Final Thoughts

Copysmith is a reliable and useful AI copywriting tool that helps e-commerce businesses scale with high quality content generation, software integrations, and collaboration features. The AI can generate unique and compelling content within seconds. Compared to its competitors the tool is more affordable and packs more features. It is also very convenient and generally a worthwhile tool for marketing your e-commerce store. Whether you are just planning to launch your e-commerce business or already manage 10,000+ SKUs, Copysmith will be a great weapon to have in your arsenal. 

It is no secret that competition is very fierce in the world of e-commerce. For this reason, leveraging AI copywriting tools is a necessity if you want your online store to become the next success story in e-commerce. As an e-commerce startup, you need to save money and have the best content to start gaining market share. On the other hand, if you are an already successful e-commerce brand you can lose market share to new players who are leveraging better technology. Copysmith offers a lot more features and better quality than other AI tools that sometimes charge significantly more.

AI copywriting tools for e-commerce are a great way to improve the quality of your product content. The best part is that you don’t need any programming skills or coding knowledge because all these tools have been developed keeping in mind the needs and requirements of e-commerce website owners.

To see Copysmith in action, you can sign up for a 7-day free trial now. No credit card required.