Artificial Intelligence Tools and Their Advantages in Digital Marketing

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a buzzword you have probably heard of. It’s been making waves in practically every industry, and marketing is no exception. But what exactly is it?

Simply put, artificial intelligence is a process where a machine mimics human intelligence. It can learn, think and act on its own. This might sound a little scary, but do not worry – there are many helpful applications of artificial intelligence that can benefit your business. 

One great use for AI is in digital marketing. By using AI-powered tools, you can boost your results and get more out of your campaigns.

AI-powered tools are changing the game for digital marketers, and if you are not already taking advantage of them, you are missing out on some serious benefits. In this post, we will take a look at what AI-powered tools are available, and how they can help you boost your digital marketing results.

How artificial intelligence is used in digital marketing?

Artificial intelligence has a positive impact in digital marketing. AI is used to –

  • Improve your website’s SEO
  • Improve overall conversion rates
  • Boost your social media marketing
  • Scale your content marketing output
  • Create better content

How can you use AI to improve your website’s SEO?

SEO, short for search engine optimization, is a digital marketing strategy that aims to make your website appear on search engine result pages (SERPs). In order to do this, you need to make sure that your website is easy to find, relevant to the keywords that are being searched for, and your content is well-written.

AI can help you improve your website’s SEO in a number of ways. 

For starters, AI-powered tools can help you analyze your website’s content and see where you can make improvements. 

They can also help you identify keywords that you may be overlooking, and they can track your website’s rankings so that you can see how you are doing over time. 

Additionally, AI-powered tools can help you identify opportunities for link building and create customized reports that show you how your website is performing.

So, if you’re looking to boost your website’s SEO, here are some of the AI-powered tools out there that can make a world of difference in helping you achieve your marketing goals: 

  • Frase

Frase is a tool that tells you what to do for your content to rank higher in search engines – well, how? 

Their artificial intelligence basically analyzes your content and compares it to the top-ranking contents on the SERPs, giving you a data-backed suggestion on what headline and keywords will help your content perform better. 

But wait there’s more! Aside from content optimization, Frase can also take care of writing SEO-optimized content. Sounds amazing, right? 

It can be integrated with Google Docs, Google Search Console, WordPress and Chrome to help you create better content where you do your work. 

Their pricing starts at $14.99 per month.

  • Outranking

Outranking is an artificial intelligence tool that helps you in every stage of a content for SEO performance – from strategy, execution, optimization and even tracking the results. In other words, it automates all of the tasks for SEO content creation.

Outranking’s plan starts at $199 per month.

  • Diib 

Diib uses artificial intelligence to provide insights on how you can take advantage of your website in growing your business – from your website’s user experience, security and SEO, they have you covered. 

You can use Diib for free with limited features. Their paid plan starts at $7.99 per month.

SEO is a tedious task to perform – it involves a lot of researching, brainstorming, planning and tracking. Artificial intelligence tools help speed up the process and do the heavy lifting for you. 

Now, let us move into artificial intelligence and social media marketing. 

How can you use AI to improve your social media marketing?

You can use artificial intelligence to help automate your social media marketing. For example, there are tools that can help you schedule your posts, monitor your competitors, and even identify the best times to post for maximum engagement. 

Other AI-powered tools can help you analyze your audience and find out who your most engaged followers are. This can help you target them with specific content and build stronger relationships with them.

Here are three artificial intelligence tools you can use for your social media marketing needs: 

  • Lately

Lately is an all-around social media marketing tool – it provides an AI content writer so you can have your social media captions written in an instant, a scheduling calendar so you can stay on top of your content tasks, and analytics so you can track your social media performance. 

But the most striking feature of Lately is how it instantly repurposes your content. You simply upload text and a video, and Lately’s AI will turn it into various engaging social media posts. Pretty amazing, right? 

Lately offers a 7-day free trial. Their paid plan starts at $14 per month.

  • Pattern89

One of the complicated parts of social media marketing is running paid ads – fortunately there is Pattern89. This AI-powered tool provides insights on how you can reduce the costs of running paid ads. 

It also takes care of every aspect of ad management from budgeting, optimizing bids and analyzing which paid channel will give you the most revenue. 

Pattern89 was acquired by Shutterstock in July 2021 and became a part of Shutterstock AI solutions. As of this writing, there are no posts of the pricing or plans for Pattern89.  

  • Socialbakers (now called as

Socialbakers, now known as, is another artificial intelligence tool you can add into your social media marketing arsenal. It helps you discover influencers and track the performance of their campaigns. 

Another notable feature of this AI-based tool is that it provides advanced audience insights, helping you have a better grasp on the profile and behavior of your audience towards your campaigns. 

Socialbakers was acquired by Astute in September 2020. Their pricing is now geared towards enterprises.

The bottom line is that AI-powered tools can help you boost your digital marketing results in a number of ways. So, it is definitely worth considering them in your marketing strategy. 

Artificial intelligence is no doubt changing the landscape of digital marketing. Now, let’s proceed on how AI tools are used in content creation. 

How can you use AI to create better content?

You can use AI-powered tools to help you come up with content ideas.

For example, there are tools that can scan your website and give you a list of keywords that you should be targeting. Or, there are tools that can help you come up with topics that are popular right now.

But it’s not just about finding ideas; AI-powered tools can also help you improve the quality of your content. For example, there are tools that can help you find the right images to include in your posts. 

There are also artificial intelligence tools that not only help you improve your grammar and spelling, but can also write content and copy for you. 

If you are wondering what tools powered by artificial intelligence can help you in content creation for your marketing campaigns then read below: 

  • Hubspot

Finding keywords and topics for your contents requires a lot of research. With Hubspot, this becomes very easy. Their artificial intelligence instantly provides you with the keywords and content topics that will perform well not only for your audience but in the search engines as well. 

Hubspot is a product that is commonly used by digital marketers and it is not hard to see the reason why. 

They offer free tools and their paid plan starts at $49 per month. 

  • DALL·E

Content is boring without images. Fortunately, there are AI-powered tools that can generate images in an instant. One example of this is DALL·E.

DALL·E generates an image based on the text input you provided their AI. From realistic photos to illustrations, they have you covered. If you want to do away from generic stock photos and hook your audience’s attention then this artificial intelligence tool is perfect for your creative needs. 

DALL·E is under OpenAI and their plan starts at $0.0004 per 1,000 tokens. Think of their token as the number of words. 1,000 tokens is equivalent to 750 words.

  • Copysmith 

Writing content and copy is a tedious task – researching, brainstorming, drafting, editing, proofreading and making your content SEO focused requires time and effort. 

Good news: there are AI tools like Copysmith that do all of the work in writing content. 

Copysmith generates high-quality content – think of it as a writing assistant, but better – they hand you written content in a matter of seconds. The AI-generated content is not only engaging but reflects your branding tone as well. 

Copysmith handles all of your content and marketing copy needs – it can write your product descriptions, emails, Facebook ad copy and even blog posts. 

Copysmith offers a free 7-day trial so you can try it yourself, no credit card required. Simply sign up here.

With the help of artificial intelligence, content creation isn’t a thing to worry about. 

What is the future of artificial intelligence in marketing?

What do you think about artificial intelligence in marketing? Is it the future of the industry, or just a passing trend?

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in marketing. From search engine optimization to content creation, AI is being used to automate a wide range of tasks. But is that a good thing?

Well let us find out as we take a look at some of the advantages of using artificial intelligence in your marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of artificial intelligence in marketing?

When it comes to the future of artificial intelligence in marketing, there are a lot of potential benefits.

First of all, AI can help you automate a lot of your marketing tasks. 

This means you can spend less time on menial tasks and more time on strategizing and testing marketing campaigns as well as developing relationships with your customers.

Another thing to note is that since these tasks are automated, they are more efficient than manual tasks. 

Second, AI-powered tools can help you get better results. 

They analyze data to give you insights that you would not otherwise have access to. This means that you can make smarter decisions about how to spend your marketing budget and what strategies to pursue.

Third, AI can help you personalize your marketing messages. 

With the help of artificial intelligence, you can target your customers with messages that are relevant to them and that speak to their needs and interests.

Fourth, AI can help you optimize your marketing efforts. By analyzing data from past campaigns, artificial intelligence can help you identify what works and what does not, so you can make the most of your marketing dollars. 

Fifth, AI-powered tools are constantly learning and evolving. 

As new data is analyzed, the algorithms behind the tools get better and better at delivering results. So over time, your marketing efforts will become more and more effective. 

Overall, AI has the potential to make a big impact on your marketing efforts, and it is something worth keeping an eye on in the years to come.

What is the future of artificial intelligence in marketing?

First, AI will help us create more personalized content. 

We all know that personalization is key when it comes to marketing. But creating personalized content takes a lot of time and effort. 

With AI, we will be able to create content that is specific to each individual customer. This will result in a better customer experience and higher conversion rates.

Second, AI will help us automate more of our marketing tasks. 

Automation is huge right now, and it is only going to become more popular with the rise of AI. With AI-powered automation, computers will plan, execute and track various digital marketing campaigns. This will free up our time so that we can focus on other tasks that are important to our business. 

Artificial intelligence is already changing the landscape of marketing, and its potential is only just beginning to be realized. 

What are the ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in marketing?

When it comes to the future of artificial intelligence in marketing, there are a lot of ethical considerations to take into account. 

After all, when you are using AI to interact with customers, you are essentially putting a computer in a position of power.

What happens if a computer starts making decisions that are bad for the customer? Or worse, what if the computer starts making decisions that are bad for the company? There is a lot of potential for things to go wrong, and it is important to be aware of these risks before you start using AI in your marketing campaigns.

There are also concerns about privacy and data protection. When you are feeding data into an AI system, what happens to that data? Who has access to it? Is it being used in a responsible way? These are questions that we need to start asking ourselves if we want to use AI in marketing.

Is artificial intelligence content good for SEO?

AI is a tool you can use to help improve your website’s search engine ranking. 

So, if you are wondering if artificial intelligence content is good for SEO? Well, the answer is: yes!

Artificial intelligence can do a lot for your content marketing strategy so let us identify what exactly are these: 

  • For starters, it can help you come up with new content ideas and topics. It can analyze your website and your competitors’ websites to find gaps in the market, then provide you with a list of topics that are worth writing about.
  • There are also AI-powered content writers that can do all of the work in writing SEO-friendly content so you don’t have to. You simply provide the topic that you want to write about and the AI will generate content in a matter of seconds.  
  • You can use artificial intelligence to optimize your content for better search engine rankings. AI can help in making sure your content is formatted and structured in a way that will make it easy for search engines to index.
  • There are AI SEO tools out there that can help you research and target new keywords.
  • AI-powered tools can track the results of your content. It can gauge how well your content is performing over time and identify which articles are generating the most traffic and the most leads. This information can help you fine-tune your SEO strategy to get even better results.
  • You can take advantage of artificial intelligence to track your competition and see what they are doing well (or not so well) so you can stay ahead of them.
  • Lastly, there are numerous AI-powered tools programmed to help you plan and execute your content marketing strategy. 

As you can see, there are a multitude of ways that artificial intelligence can help you with your SEO needs. If you are not already using AI, now is the time to do so. 

Simply put, artificial intelligence can help take your search engine optimization efforts from good to great.

What are the disadvantages of artificial intelligence in marketing?

Yes, there is a lot of buzz lately about the advantages of using artificial intelligence tools in various digital marketing campaigns. 

While there is no doubt that AI can be a powerful asset for your business, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with relying too heavily on these tools.

There are a number of downsides associated with using AI in digital marketing, including the following:

First – you may not be getting the full picture. 

Because AI tools are so sophisticated, they can often produce results that appear to be accurate. However, it is important to remember that these tools are only as good as the data they are working with. If the data is inaccurate or incomplete, the results you get from AI will be inaccurate or incomplete as well. 

Artificial intelligence tools can make mistakes, and if your data is inaccurate, your marketing decisions will be too. So, always make sure that the data you are using is complete, accurate and reliable.

Second – you may be inadvertently training your AI tool to do your job for you. 

If you rely too heavily on AI tools, you may eventually find yourself at a point where you no longer need to do the work yourself. The AI tool will start producing results that are just as good or better than what you could produce on your own. 

Digital marketing is a skill which means the more you do it, the more you become good at it. If you let artificial intelligence do the essential tasks then you will regress. In other words, you will not be keen on learning new concepts and improving your craft. 

So, keep in mind that these AI-powered tools act as an assistant. Not someone who will do the work for you.

As you can see, there are a number of things to consider when using artificial intelligence in your digital marketing efforts. While there are certainly benefits to using these tools, it is important to weigh the risks as well.


Artificial intelligence is getting more and more sophisticated, there is no doubt that it will be used more in digital marketing because of how it automates tedious tasks and provides advanced insights. 

AI-powered tools can help in many aspects of digital marketing – from improving your website’s performance to evaluating your social media marketing efforts and helping you create better content – artificial intelligence proves itself to be valuable. 

Yes, there are numerous advantages. 

But as everything has two sides – with pros, there are also cons. These downsides should not deter you from taking advantage of artificial intelligence. Instead, keep it in mind so you can use AI responsibly in your digital marketing efforts. If you want to incorporate AI tools in your digital marketing campaigns but don’t know where to start – remember, digital marketing starts and ends with words so, you won’t go wrong with Copysmith. Get your 7-day free trial now, no credit card required. Simply sign up.