How Copysmith Grows Demand & Enhances Marketing Strategy

We live in a world of immediacy, where if it doesn’t come fast enough, we don’t want it. This creates challenges for companies who need to launch faster than ever before to connect with (and more importantly, convert) customers.

In walks artificial intelligence.  AI brings new tools not only to improve our productivity, but also to enable us to participate in a more sustainable way of life in the long term.  It’s the next revolution in technology and provides the ability to augment human creativity to significantly increase productivity in a pivotal area of marketing strategy, content creation.

The Role of Copy in Marketing

Copy includes any type of writing meant to persuade people to take action, such as buying a product or providing an email address. However, copy can take other forms, as well; i.e. digital advertising, scripts for video content, eCommerce product descriptions.

Content marketing aims to inform the public about your products and services while giving them convenient access to additional information that they would like to learn more about.

Content Marketing Strategy Improves Profitability

Marketing objectives and strategies are as unique as the perspective of the organization that implements them, but most focus on overall profitability.  There are three main ways to make a business more profitable with marketing strategy. You can increase traffic to conversion landing pages, increase the value of the product or service, or you can increase the percentage of web traffic that converts to customers.

Increasing marketing conversion rates is the most effective way to increase the profitability of a business. One of the easiest ways to improve conversion rates is through copy revisions and A/B testing to better understand what messaging or imagery your customers are connecting with. Now we now start to see how content is imperative in improving or optimizing these key metrics to improve profitability.

We want to Supplement, not Hinder

Copysmith’s platform elevates human creativity; it doesn’t replace writers, but rather revolutionizes how we as humans approach content creation.  Our focus is on tools and solutions that never leave you staring at a blank page.  Our templates inject collaboration, agility and innovation to the content process to keep your marketing team moving and launching faster.  Here are just a few examples of the templates Copysmith provides:

Google Ad Templates

Generate Google Ad headlines, descriptions, call to action. Our AI is mindful of best practices, character limits and provides a range of options to choose from with just one click.

Product Description Templates


eCommerce is moving at lightning speed, with integrations to Instagram and other social media platforms, users are purchasing online now more than ever.  Our Amazon and Instagram shop product description templates are here to help you launch your store in record time.

Social Media Ad Templates

Whether you’re selling directly to consumers or are more focused on B2B, create a range of content for social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin to capture your audience’s attention.

Article & Blog Templates

Blogs, articles and other long form content take time and effort to perfect.  Using Copysmith, you can rely on our AI platform to take SEO best practices into account to build your blog outline, topics and overall structure to get one step closer to launch.

A Passion for Innovation, with an Eye on Results

We at Copysmith are focused on the future of innovation.  Bridging the gap between human creativity and artificial intelligence is just the beginning for us.  We’re busy behind the scenes building a platform to help sustain and grow marketing strategy.  Keep an eye on our blog or follow us on social media to stay up to date on the latest features, integrations and insights to how to best market in today’s world.

Copysmith is a powerful AI solution that empowers teams to scale marketing and drive growth through copy. If you’re looking for a way to increase traffic and get more leads, we’re here to help.

Happy Copysmithing!

Try Copysmith with our free trial today, we’d love to hear what you think. Don’t forget to check out tutorials for our other templates here.