9 Top Sentence Rewriters For Your Marketing Needs (Free & Paid)

Many things could be responsible for the poor performance of your content pieces despite investing heavily in creating them on a consistent basis.

Regardless of your reasons, using a sentence rewriter is a surefire way to ensure that your readers engage with your content and take actions that could lead to more sales and conversions.

If you are looking for sentence rewriters to turn your subpar content into a powerhouse piece of content, we got you covered.

After reading this post, you’ll learn about the top free and paid sentence rewriter tools, their core features, and what to expect when using each of them.

Let’s get into it.

Are you working in a large marketing team and need to create great content at scale? Sign up for a 7-day free trial of Copysmith and start writing for free. No credit card required.

What is a Sentence Rewriter?

A sentence rewriter is a tool that you can use to rewrite poorly constructed or lackluster sentences and make them more engaging, compelling and primed to convert more sales. 

They improve things like vocabulary, tone, spelling, and context. For example, if you are a non-native English speaker, you may not know when some of your sentences aren’t making any sense to a native speaker.

With a sentence rewriter, you can improve your weaknesses in those areas.

Similarly, you may also need a sentence rewriter to become more productive. For example, rather than sitting down and nitpicking over minute details, you can use a sentence rewriter to find errors faster and fix them.

In summary, a sentence rewriter helps to polish your sentences and makes them easy to read and understand.

How to Use Sentence Rewriters to Make Your Content Better

If you’ve never used a sentence rewriter before, you may be wondering what its use cases are.

Below are some ways to use AI sentence rewriters to improve your content.

Improve Your Grammar

Some sentence rewriters help with grammatical corrections. They correct grammar-related mistakes such as structure, spelling, and punctuation.

Change Your Tone of Voice 

Another way to use a sentence rewriter is to adjust your content’s tone of voice to meet the needs of multiple clients or multiple types of campaigns.

Let’s say you’re good with academic writing. You can use a sentence rewriter to turn your content into a casual and informal content piece.

Improve Readability

A sentence rewriter can add credibility to your content by making it sound better and more natural. Hence, making it easy for the reader to consume and understand.

What are the Best Sentence Rewriters?

Let’s discuss the best sentence rewriters that you can use to improve your content’s readability.

1. Copysmith

Copysmith is an AI copywriting tool for creating and rewriting content pieces and so much more. You can use it to write different content types, such as social media captions, meta descriptions, and blog posts from scratch.

It also works well for rewriting existing content.

We built Copysmith to support agencies, enterprise organizations, and eCommerce companies  who want to scale their content and not sacrifice quality when it comes to growth marketing and SEO best practices.

With that said, let’s proceed to assess some of the standout features of Copysmith that makes it one of the sentence rewriter tools out there.

Content Rewriter

If you want to rewrite a piece of content for better flow and fresh perspective, our platform goes the extra mile to give your content all it needs to stand out, both in terms of grammatical rules and premise. 

Content Enhancer

Our content enhancer helps to optimize your content for better performance. 

If you want to improve an existing content and make it more engaging, then you’ll find this feature on our platform helpful and valuable.

Article Summary

Suppose you feel that your article is too long or wordy. In that case, you can use the article summarizer to trim off any unnecessary detail and still pass your most vital information across succinctly.

Plagiarism Checker

One of the things that most users worry about when using a sentence rewriter is whether the rewritten sentences will be plagiarized or original.

Our platform comes with an in-built plagiarism checker to ensure that our users do not have to worry about plagiarism.

Once you have rewritten your content, you can find the plagiarism checker button at the top right corner of your workspace.

It looks like this:

checker button

In the example below, we wanted to test how it works. So, we generated content with Copysmith and added some sentences we copied from somewhere on the web to it.

When we clicked the plagiarism checker button, this is what we got:

4 search result 68 words

Copysmith showed us the exact text we used as well as its sources. In this case, all we had to do was to remove the plagiarized text it detected and rewrite another one.

If the content is plagiarism-free, here’s what the notification looks like:

plagiarism-check match 2

If you are using our platform, you can always be sure that your content will be plagiarism-free.

Blog Post Creation

Copysmith isn’t a sentence rewriter tool only. It is also an AI content generator for writing different types of content. This ranges from product descriptions to social media content to Google ads and a lot more.

The specific example we will show you here is our blog post writing feature because – you guessed it – writing a blog post with it is straightforward.

For example, we wanted to write a blog post about ‘how to write a blog post.’ The first step was to enter the topic into Copysmith.

AI blog kickstarter 2

It generated several ideas for us to select from.

how to write a blog post 10 sample steps

Once done, we selected one of these ideas and proceeded to the next stage, where it suggested some outlines.

You can choose any of the suggested ideas. And if you aren’t pleased with any of them or you just want more, click on Generate More to see more ideas. After that, you’ll be shown a list of outlines to choose from.

It also gave us the option to generate more outlines if we weren’t satisfied with any of those.

Since we were okay with those, we moved on to the next stage, where we could tweak our outline.

You can also generate more of these if you aren’t satisfied with the initial suggestions. Once you have done that, you are asked to select how you want the outline to appear, and if there is any removal or addition you’d like to make.

Once that is done, we kicked off our blog post, and Copysmith generated what’s below:

how to write blog post

From here, you can edit the piece further or use one of our content enhancers to make it better.

In summary, using Copysmith will help you stay ahead of your competition in your marketing efforts. 

With a tool that rewrites sentences and also creates original content from scratch, you can get more done in less time.


Copysmith integrates with third-party apps and software to enable you to carry out your other content marketing tasks faster and easier.

As we explore some of them next, you’ll see how each one of them makes your workflow better.

Google Docs

The Google Docs integration makes it easy for users to assess Copysmith using their favorite writing tool.

So, whether you are writing an entire post or need a quick rewrite, you can access Copysmith to do that right where you work.

Here is what that looks like:

copysmith google doc extension

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word

Our Microsoft integration will help you access Copysmith from Microsoft Word.

This can be useful in many instances. For example, if you are creating an official document but it’s not something you do from time to time, using Copysmith and selecting one of our tones of voice will enable you to come up with a formal piece without the hassle.

Chrome Extension

Copysmith also exists as a Chrome Extension so that you can use it irrespective of where you are working in your browser. Whether that’s in Notion, email, social media, or any website you visit using your Chrome browser.

Workflow and In-app Collaboration

If you work in an agency or eCommerce organization, chances are that you have other team members with whom you work.

Our platform comes with a collaboration feature that facilitates collaboration and workflow monitoring.

You can invite your team members in by sending the invites via their email addresses.

invite team member pop-up

Once they are on board, you can assign everyone specific roles such as editor, writer, and strategist.


Besides that, you’ll be able to monitor the progress and status of each task using our workflow dashboard that looks like this:

work-flow dashboard

Looking at these features, you can see how Copysmith alone does the work of content writing and workflow software. 

The advantage of this lies in being able to manage time and maximize productivity. It also offers extra assistance if you feel you are overworking.

Bulk Content Creation

Copysmith also generates content in bulk. If you are in an eCommerce organization or an agency, you’ll understand why this is important.

Take, for example, when you have a long list of products to write product descriptions for; writing them one after the other will take time.

Instead of doing that manually, you can upload the details of your SKUs as a CSV file on Copysmith.

We have CSV templates that you can download and use. 

This is what it looks like:


Copysmith will write a product description for each one of them in a matter of minutes, even if they are in the thousands.

Copysmith Pricing

Copysmith Pricing

Copysmith has a simple pricing structure: Starter, Professional, and Enterprise.

If you are just a beginner, you can use our Starter plan, which is $19 per month. On this plan, you can generate 33,000 words, use the plagiarism checker, and access all templates and integrations.

The Professional plan lets you generate 260,000 words, use all the templates, and make 100 plagiarism checks. This costs $59 per month.

Both options are available for a 7-day free trial. So sign up now to see it in action. No credit card is required.

And lastly, we have an enterprise plan. On this plan, you’ll have access to other advanced features such as content import and export, bulk content creation, workflow and in-app collaboration, etc.

Book a demo with our team to learn more about how it works and see it in action.

2. Wordtune

Wordtune is an AI writing assistant for rewriting and rephrasing sentences. It takes your scrappy text and turns it into a content piece that’s easy to read and understand.

Below are the core features of Wordtune:

Sentence Rephrasing

The primary use case for Wordtune is rephrasing your sentences. This feature can turn the expression of a basic writer into a professionally written piece of content.

Take a look at this example in the screenshot below.

sentence rephrase sugggestion

Tone Adjustment

Another thing you can do on Wordtune is tone adjustment. It helps you rewrite your sentences from formal to casual tone and vice versa.

Chrome Extension

Wordtune also exists as a Chrome Extension. Therefore, you can use it across different websites in your Chrome browser.

Wordtune Pricing

Wordtune Pricing

Wordtune has a free plan that lets you make ten rewrites per day.

The premium plan costs $9.99 per month. This gives you unlimited rewrites, unlimited casual and formal tone adjustments, and premium support.

The Premium for Teams has all these features and also allows team billing.

3. Grammarly

Grammarly is an AI writing tool for proofreading your content. It detects grammatical and spelling errors and suggests corrections in real-time.

Here are Grammarly’s main features.

Spelling and Grammar Checks

For spelling and grammatical errors, you can rely on Grammarly to detect and underline them and then suggest a replacement. 

Here is an example of a verb-subject agreement correction made by Grammarly:

verb-subject agreement correction

Rephrasing and Real-time Feedback

Grammarly also suggests better phrases when your sentence construction is poor. Sometimes, you may not notice this on your own, but Grammarly is good at detecting it.

Chrome Extension

Grammarly exists as a Chrome Extension, thereby making it available everywhere on your browser.

Grammarly Pricing

grammarly pricing

Grammarly has a forever-free plan that checks:

  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Conciseness
  • Punctuation
  • Tone detection

The premium plan costs $12 per month. It comes with everything in the free plan, as well as full-sentence rewriter, word choice, tone suggestions, and plagiarism detection.

And lastly, there is a business plan that costs $15 per month. This comes with everything in the previous plans, plus a style guide, snippets, brand tones, and more.

4. QuillBot

QuillBot is a content rewriter tool for paraphrasing sentences. It can rewrite and enhance sentences, paragraphs, and articles. 

Let’s assess some features of QuillBot.


QuillBot is most popular for paraphrasing content. This might be a sentence, a paragraph, or even an article.

Here is an example:


Grammar Checker 

QuillBot is also a grammar checker. So if grammar is your primary source of concern, then QuillBot can also be of help in that aspect.


If you want to summarize your content to make it shorter and more appealing, QuillBot has a feature for that. You can either type in your content or load a document containing it.

QuillBot Pricing 

QuillBot Pricing

QuillBot has three pricing plans: annual, semi-annual, and monthly.

The annual plan costs $4.17 per month, the semi-annual plan costs $6.66 per month, and the monthly plan costs $9.95 per month.

5. Paraphrasing.io

Paraphrasing.io is a tool that rewrites, paraphrases, and summarizes content pieces. It also checks the readability of your articles.

Now, we’ll look into some of the features of Paraphrasing.io.

Article Rewriter

Paraphrasing.io helps rewrite an entire article and improves its readability.

If you are looking for a tool to spin an entire article, it can help you.

Text Summarizer

Paraphrasing.io can also help you summarize your text. If your piece is too wordy, or you need to break your article down and still convey the same meaning, you can use it. 

Grammar Check

You can also use this software to check for grammatical errors and make necessary corrections.

Paraphrasing.io Pricing

Paraphrasing.io Pricing

Paraphrasing.io has a monthly plan of $20. However, if you choose to opt for the yearly plan, it costs $150.

6. Word AI

Word AI is an AI-powered sentence rephraser that turns average content into high-quality content pieces.

Its core features are as follows:

Sentence Restructuring

If you want to spin your text by giving it another structure, Word AI helps you do that. You can also use it to generate as many variations of sentences as possible.

Text Enrichment

Another use case for Word AI is to improve your content and turn it into a richly worded text that’s more pleasing to the reader.

Here is an example of that:

 richly worded rewrite

Bulk Rewrite

If you have many articles to rewrite at a time, WordAI can do that. All you have to do is import all of them, and it will take care of the rest.

WordAI Pricing

Word Ai pricing

The WordAI monthly plan costs $59 per month. If you choose a yearly subscription, you’ll be charged $27 for each month. The final plan is the Enterprise plan, which comes with further customization options.

Free Sentence Rewriters

If you’re looking for free options, below are some free sentence rewriters that you could opt for.

7. SmallSEOTool

SmallSEOTool is a multi-purpose sentence rewriting software. Its features include a plagiarism checker, an article rewriter, a grammar checker, a word counter, and more.

8. Frase

Frase is an AI content creation tool for writing and optimizing content for improved search ranking. It helps you dig out the questions and answers that are relevant to your content, generate a detailed content brief, and create a summary of your content. It also has a free AI sentence rewriter that you can use to polish your content.

9. SEO Magnifier

SEO-Magnifier is an AI-enabled software that rewrites articles. In addition, it has a host of other features, which include a paraphraser, plagiarism checker, sentence rewriter, etc.

Which Sentence Rewriter Tool Should You Choose?

There are sentence rewriters that serve a specific purpose, while there are others that can be used for different purposes.

To select the best sentence rewriter, one question you should ask is: why do I need a sentence rewriter?

If your need is limited to rewriting sentences only, there are free and paid paragraph rewriters you can use, such as Wordtune, Quillbot, Word AI, and Paraphrasing.io.

However, suppose you are looking for a multi-purpose sentence rewriter with additional features like content creation, team collaboration, bulk content generation, content distribution, etc. In that case, Copysmith is your best bet.

Want to see how Copysmith works? You can sign up for a 7-day free trial today to see it in action. No credit card required.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Sentence Rewriters

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about sentence rewrites.

What is the best way to rewrite a sentence?

The best way to rewrite a sentence is to use a sentence rewriter tool. This is because they are faster, more innovative, and cost-effective.

Is there an app that can rewrite sentences?

Yes, many apps can rewrite sentences. Copysmith is a good example.

How can you rewrite a sentence without plagiarizing?

If you want to rewrite a sentence without plagiarizing, then use a sentence rewriter that has a plagiarism checker. That way, you can check for plagiarized text in your content without any hassle.